Friday, December 12, 2014

Early Christmas Cheer - The Collegian

Kiersten Kiene

It’s the most wonderful time of the year

Ho Ho Ho!
Merry Christmas!
Let it Snow!
Happy Holidays!
My first Christmas tree!
The time of year has come! It’s almost Christmas time! This means that we get to sing Christmas carols, eat pumpkin pie, decorate our homes and dorms, give gifts, and overall just experience once again that wonderful warm feeling the holidays in general! Oh this is definitely my favorite time of year. I can decorate my dorm room with smells of pine and cookies, hang up decorations, put up a tree and annoy my roommates with all of my Christmas cheer. Yes, Christmas is coming, and I love it. I listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving, and I even downloaded it on to my phone to listen anywhere I please. But there are some very grumpy grinches out there this time of year. Those who say Christmas shouldn’t be celebrated or decorated for until after Thanksgiving. But hey, I started before Halloween. Who cares? I can whatever I want whenever I please with my Christmas cheer. If I want to sing and bake and decorate now, then let me be. Don’t like my Christmas decor yet? don’t look at it. Don’t like Christmas music? Don’t listen to it. And please stop your complaining on all of the social media sites. Seriously. It is my life, my home to have Christmas cheer. So in that case, it has nothing to do with any of the grumpies out there. It does not harm you in anyway whatsoever. So let me be with my Christmas cheer, I will sing loud for all to hear! (Yes, I have watched Elf already) Oh, and speaking of Christmas movies, I plan on watching the Hallmark channel and the Food Network channel to get my holiday movies and holiday baking competition in before December even comes. I wait 10 long months for the holidays to come back around, 10 long months. I will celebrate and enjoy this time of year one month early because I have waited ever so patiently for it to come back around. Besides, I bake Christmas cookies early, and whoever wants one, must not be a grumpy grinch!

Happy Holidays everyone! From one cheerful person to another, not so cheerful person! And just know that it is the most wonderful time of the year!

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