Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Shinin' Landshark WOP

Saved Snapchat.
You only live once, right?
Typical teenage girl..
Music is a big part of my daily life. Basically whatever I'm listening to is what mood I am normally in. Like right now I am listen to a playlist on my iTunes that consists of You're Beautiful by James Blunt, a cover of Summertime Sadness by Miley Cyrus and I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz. In essence, I am in a very dreary mood today. It's gloomy out, I don't feel the greatest physically and mentally, and I really just want to go back home. (I moved back to college yesterday) PLUS, nobody is answering their phones and I really want to talk to someone.. Basically all I want is a hug from my mother.

But who cares. I am someone who listens to a lot of different music. I don't care to stick to just one genre. I'll give you some examples of my playlists on iTunes;

First off I have a Christmas music playlist. Don't judge me..

I also I have a Disney music list. Everything from Tangled, Beauty and the Beast, Hercules, The Aristocrats, and Pocahontas. I like to listen to this when I am in a good singing mood. And when I do my math! Not really too much in the car because that would be embarrassing.

Hhyfkyhf. Yes, that is the name. Another sad day list. Sheryl Crow, Sara Evans, Creed, the whole mix.

Lilac Wine is what is on now. This is a mix of sadder music and Disney music. Don't ask why, I have no idea. Tangled, Royals by Lorde, even Belle from Beauty and the beast in addition to the ones that I already mentioned above.

Yes, I am a typical white girl with all of the rap and hip hop music. Well I don't really know if that is what it is called but I have it on there for those dance party nights with my best friend Tamara. this one has Ms. New Booty, Don't Drop That Thun Thun,  and of course Gas Pedal.

Shinin' Landshark WOP is a mix of almost everything. Country, rap, Disney, even Jenna Marbles! The title comes from Shinin' On Me by Jerrod Niemann, Landshark from Jenna Marbles (Yes, I know every word), and WOP by J Dash. This is the shower/in the car playlist.

YooBishh is full of even more everything. Bo Burnham, more Country, a little bit of Miley Cyrus, and of course Jenna Marbles! This is filled with 85% country like Billy Currington and The Band Perry (My favorites). Comedy, soundtrack, rap, lots of different genres!

So yeah, that's what I like to listen to. Now don't get your panties in a bunch because I don't listen to "the classics" or the "new thing" these days. To me, Disney is my classics and there is always a new thing to listen to. Who said that just because that the new out today that  the yesterday just isn't good anymore? Life lesson right there for you!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My NYE night gone wrong

Snapchat selfie... I love to
laugh at myself!
I start off new years eve by sleeping in until noon and snacking on a couple pretzels while laying on my blow up bed in the couch. Sounds like heaven doesn't it? Well after about a week of doing the same thing, I have this overwhelming urge to get out of the house and do something, anything to get me out.

So finally, around 3:30, when I actually convince myself to leave the living room, I get in the shower. This was in particularly a pretty awesome shower. I got in, did my thing of what I have to do; but what was best was I was listening to the Backstreet Boys radio on Pandora. After singing along to "It's gotta be you" by BSB and "Cry Me a River" by Justin Timberlake, the best song the could possibly come on at the time, was on. "Oops I Did it again" by Britney Spears was blasting into the shower, and probably the entire apartment building. So what average teenage girl wouldn't pretend to be onstage and front and center of a 90's Britney Spears concert? I was singing every single word and dancing like nobody was watching. Because obviously nobody was watching, otherwise I would not be dancing period. I am a very awful dancer. But being Britney Spears, I was the best. The crowd was going wild at my hip shaking. All of the cute boys were drooling. And then the song was over. Nick Lachey was on with "Whats left of me." So I belt out every word while taking the conditioner out of my hair and got out.

After a good 26 minutes of blow drying my hair I gave up, remembering why I never do it unless absolutely necessary. I got out my curler and started curling my hair. Why? Because boredom does things to me. I turn into an asshole with good hair, and I'm okay with it.

Sometimes my mom and I show up at her friends house for new years eve and I get to watch adults party. Which is probably the most fun I could have on a new years eve night when I am home. But of course, mother didn't want to leave the house and decided to bring home pizza for her and my little brother. I then call Tamara, my best friend from high school. I hadn't seen her all break and it was a good chance to get out of the apartment. I set up plans and leave.

I get there and we talk for a little bit and then we go to Target. The only thing I had eaten was a few pretzels and I could use a splurge. I mean since being home for the holidays, eating everything in sight isn't a splurge enough. I pick up some chips, and what I thought was salsa, some cookies, powdered donuts, pizza rolls, ice cream sandwiches, and eight pounds later to be gained from my shopping trip. But unfortunately, they did not have bomb pops, what Tamara wanted. So we made a short stop to Walmart and we were on our way.

**Note: I stopped and took a break here. I had two ice cream sandwiches from last night. Pathetic.

Anyways, we went back to Tamara apartment and chowed down while watching two completely different movies. We started with "He's Just Not That Into You" with Justin Long, Bradly Cooper and Jennifer Aniston. We talked about how cute it was and the average teenage girl stuff while watching a romantic movie. It was actually kind of sad because neither of us are wanting to date anyone right now. We dream romantic guys, we think about being with someone like that, we want to be with the guys in the movies. We can't wait to get engaged and be proposed to and have kids with the person we want to be with for the rest of our lives. But come one. We're 18 years old, freshman in college and don't even know what we want in life other than what jobs would sound awesome to have. I know that I dream about it, I want to meet the right person here, now, sometime soon. But why? Why wish away all of the fun years in my life that I might never get back. I wish, dream, and think about it. But it is just not worth it.
Why not another selfie since this
is a really long story! Anndd I love
this little lion, Calvin.

Well back to the night gone wrong, we watched Anchorman for the first time. Everyone talks about how awesome it is, so why not give it a try? Well it was alright. Not as funny as "Step Brothers" or "Role Models." But it was funny I guess. Right as the movie ended it was already 11:59! We has one minute until the new year and Tamara had a snapchat ready to send, and I was ready to screenshot the time on my phone at the first minute of 2014. Typical teenage girls.

As soon as that totally awesome moment was over we had a three song dance party. Mrs New Booty by Bubba Sparx, Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice, and of course the infamous I'm Too Sexy by Right Fred Said. It was at this point that I unknowingly crossed off 'dancing on a table' off my bucket list! Go me! Out of breath from showing off our awesome dance skills to the entire parking lot of cars (we opened the blinds for people to watch and laugh at us), we decided to go get some fresh air and maybe build a snowman or two, make snow angels, and just have fun. And this is when the night went bad.

I took my phone with me and put it into my pull over pocket, not a very safe place to put a brand new galaxy s4, but guess what, I am a stupid average teenage girl. I wanted to snapchat pictures of our snowmen and angels. But that didn't happen. We ended up having a snowball fight with about six or seven guys from the apartment downstairs. We were running all over the parking lot, up and down a ginormous mound of snow and ice, having fun. Once again me being stupid I had a just a sweatshirt, gloves, crop yoga pants, and some boots, leaving a part of my legs exposed.

I recognized one or two of the guys, so I asked and it turns out that he played sports at my high school where I graduated. He asked if I was a cheerleader, which I figured he remembered me from Thursday night team dinners with the football team. I didn't realize until later that I put up his homecoming door sign sophomore year. I remember it in particular because his parents made him come out and say thank you, something that we never get and something that my mom and I will always remember.

Twenty or thirty minutes later, snowballs thrown and pants soaking wet, my wrist scraped up from falling, we went back inside to get warm. Tamara hands me her phone, it is not until then that I realized my phone was not in my pocket anymore. Panicking, we scoured the entire parking lot for an hour, and nothing. Stupid me. Stupid, stupid me had lost my phone in the snow. It was like 5 degrees outside, so looking was just getting old. We went back inside and I picked up my stuff and came home.

My mom and I went back today and looked again, but nothing...

Just let me say that I just got this phone two months ago, because my first s4 I slammed in a door and it stopped working. I saved up the money and waited two months without a phone to get this one, which is why I am so frustrated with myself. Looks like I have to wait and save up money for another phone. Which sucks because I don't have any sort of income at the moment. This is a point where I would really like to go back to school with a phone this time. I just might have to break down and ask my parents for help...which I hate.