Monday, March 9, 2015

The Boston Globe, readership tools

Working my way through class and into the digital world has been relatively east to me. I like the stuff that we talk about and do in class. It comes naturally to me, thank goodness.

Last week into this week we are talking about using digital interactive tools online. There are so many different things that journalists and digital content specialists can do. Anything from putting links into pictures, making a timeline, having a live feed from social media sites, interactive maps, etc. And in todays age, news agencies are keeping up with the hot trends online to keep readers coming back.

Specifically for the Boston Globe, I was left wanting more. On Twitter, there were so many people praising them for their work. Everywhere.


Maybe I'm just a Debbie Downer today. But I was not all that impressed. I will give them the benefit of the doubt, the timeline of the days of the trial was awesome. SO much information. The Twitter feed, disappointing lack of attractiveness. It wasn't very appealing I guess you would say.

The point is that I had high hopes for this page, according to everyone else they were the bees knees. Well, I got through five articles and hit a paywall.


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