Friday, December 12, 2014

Toxic Dirt Wrapped in Paper - The Collegian

Toxic Dirt Wrapped in Paper
Kiersten Kiene

So it was a young and dumb decision? Can’t give it up? It’s too hard? Don’t want to put in the time, or don’t have the time?

Winter Wonderland?

We’ve all seen them. People, students, staff, old, young; those people who break the rules and smoke on campus. There are signs, there are reminders, it is the law. According to, “In the spring of 2008, Iowa lawmakers passed legislation to protect employees and the general public. The Smokefree Air Act prohibits smoking in almost all public places and enclosed areas within places of employment, as well as some outdoor areas.” This law is put into place for everyones safety. Those who smoke and those who don’t. Yes, health experts and scientists say so many things can lead to cancer, but second hand smoke is a proven fact. The Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC),, states that “Nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or work increase their lung cancer risk by 20–30%, and Secondhand smoke exposure causes an estimated more than 7,300 lung cancer deaths annually (for 2005–2009) among adult nonsmokers in the United States.” Smoking can kill more than just those who choose to put themselves in that place. CDC also goes on to state “Separating smokers from nonsmokers within the same air space, cleaning the air, opening windows, and ventilating buildings does not eliminate secondhand smoke exposure.” So no. Those who smoke cannot sit in their car, crack a window and smoke and think everything is just fine and dandy. They are breaking the law, and putting other students and staff in danger. This just cannot happen. Honestly, can it not wait a few hours? Does it have to be right now? Right here? On campus? Like seriously, what can the excuse be to sit in a car and smoke? Just waiting for class? No. It’s illegal. Just stop doing it. How hard could it be? Put a little time and effort into it and make difference. For everyone involved, smokers or not. Stop the excuses, put down the toxic dirt wrapped in paper and MOVE ON WITH LIFE. For the sake of everyone, but mostly, those who smoke themselves.

Just on the way to class, there are two or even three or four people that are sulking with a cigarette in their fingers in a car passing by the time. How about instead we study a little bit more, check our email, play pool in the SRC, read a book, hell even playing a game on an iPhone is better than smoking on campus; or even smoking in the first place.

We’ve all seen the pictures, the ones with rotted out teeth and gums, black lung, people with holes in their throat. SO why still do it? Doesn’t that just make everyone want to give it up and better themselves? Giving up just one or even two a day is a start, keep going! Live life doing things that need and want to be done. Don’t sit in a car and take a puff or two off of toxins.

Get out of the car, and better the life to be lived. Can’t do it? Get off campus. That simple.

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