Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How do we change the media? The media writes these because...

Changing the media is something a lot of people would like to do. However to change the media, we're going to have to change human instinct too. 

We as human being are drawn to things that make us curious, this is completely natural. Have you ever driven by a car accident and purposely slowed down to see what was going on? What about a crime scene? Humans will always be naturally curious. 

The saying "if it bleeds, it leads" is a thing because of our curiousity.  These are the kinds of stories that will draw out attention, therefore getting more readership. Media outlets are a business, and to keep readers interested in their products it has to grab our attention. And this is why the media writes these stories, to get us interested.

Now in no way, shape or form am I all for the media clutching onto these kind of stories, I would love to see more kitten stories. But it's just not going to happen. Instead of trying to change the media, we need to add to the media. More kittens, same curiousity stories. How hard would it. Be to add a picture of a kitten?

Do you agree?

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