Friday, February 27, 2015

Accept the Change, a response

This is written in repsonse to "The Real Solutions for Journalism in 2015?" by Tim Akimoff

Accept the Changes

Personally and professionally, I use my
iPad to keep on on my social media.

Twitter - @KierstenKiene
1. “…social media is not just a journalist’s problem. It’s a journalist’s solution too.”I agree with this. The times are changing, as well as everything else that revolves around them. We as journalists should not discard social media because it is not ‘traditional,’ we should embrace the new technology around us and use it to our advantage. This is where all of the younger generations are right now, and their parents are there too. I feel as though social media should not hurt us a journalists, it should give us a step into the new technology based world, it will lead us to better things.
2. “Journalism needs to become more audience focused to reconnect with the public.” Yes, this is totally and completely true. With the use of the internet and social media, we are given a wider and broader audience, but at the same time we can use these tools given to us as a way to find smaller and more focused audiences of which we want. We are connect to hundreds and thousands of people just the moment that we log into our Facebook or Twitter account, we need to use this as a platform into the new world of journalism and use it to our advantage.
Whether or not we like it, social media will be here for many years to come, so we can either accept it and use it, or not accept it and be left behind. Journalists are in person, on T.V., on the radio, in newspapers, on the internet, on social media, blogging, comment, liking, and everything else. Become the one who can do it all, or most of it, or don’t. Every career makes changes over the years, not just journalism. The world changes over the years. Take the change and use it for good and greater things. Be the one who accepts the change. Make you better.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Am I the rule or the exception? Heartbroken woes of a heartbroken girl

Kiersten Kiene

Am I the rule or the exception? Heartbroken woes of a heartbroken girl.

Selfie because... "I deserve to feel
                good about myself sometimes.
                Even if life is not good at the
- Kiersten Kiene
Now let’s make things crystal clear. I am not here looking for sympathy, hate, or any of that bull. I am here to express my feelings and opinions, that is it.
So here I am. Sitting in my dorm on a Friday night all alone eating chips a queso, drinking Starbucks, and watching Marriage Boot Camp Reality Stars. No shame. But no matter what I do to take my mind off of things. I can watch Friends all day, I can do homework all day, hell I could sleep all day and I still could not stop thinking about things. And by things, I mean a past relationship. Holy hell I am driving myself mad. Is this ever going to end?
Now to make things clear, I was the one that broke things off. It was the right thing to do. But that doesn’t stop me from being sad. Recently reality set in that it really is over. It’s barely been a month and a half and the other person has already moved on to another person. Now I suspected that they had a few weeks ago, but I found out for sure that it is true. Why does this hurt me so much?
Here I am, a month and a half later, second guessing my decisions. I have never, ever, been through something like this. I never dated in high school, nothing. This was my first real relationship, ever. I just have a couple questions that I want answered.
  1. Why do men move on faster?
  2. Why are breakups such a freaking...PAIN IN THE BOOTY?

Number one. I figured that it was a science thing, somebody had to do research on why men move on faster. But after reading an article from, I was wrong. “Several studies show that men experience more depression, distress, and anxiety after breakups than women do. Men might like to come across as being tougher than overcooked steak after a breakup, but the truth is that they're actually more the consistency of jelly … Women are more likely to cry soon after the breakup, and they're also more likely to use straight talk when ending a relationship, studies find. So women face their relationship blues head on, and get them out of their systems earlier. Many men tend to repress their reaction, so it lingers like basement mold”
Wait a minute. Hold on. What? Am I treating this whole thing like a guy? The first three weeks I didn’t say a damn word about anything. I pushed everything deep down into the most bottom of the bottoms of my heart and soul, I never wanted to talk about it ever again. But as soon as I came back to Fort Dodge, my heart and soul threw up my emotions like a bad piece of meat. So course, there I was crying day after day, in the shower, in bed, I even sat in my car in zero degree weather for an hour to get the tears out before going back to the dorm. I did my damned hardest not to talk to anyone about it. (Besides my mom, of course.) It was embarrassing for me.
Also, my curiosity has gotten the best of me. And I dove right into the social media world, only to find out that three weeks after things ended, there was already another girl in the picture. And oh God, did that destroy me. Now I know that I was probably just being paranoid and guys can have friends that are girls, so I just brushed it off after a few days. Well about another three weeks later (Yesterday), my fear was true. It was a ‘romanical’ relationship if you will. This didn’t just destroy me, it flattened me to the point where I just bursted out in tears at work for goodness sake. But, it’s not even about the tears and feelings. It’s about what was said during the relationship, that vanished so quickly. Let me just ask something. How can someone tell you they love you, they would do anything for you, you are their world, and three weeks later, turn around and be involved with somebody else? It’s like that never even mattered. Three weeks is not a long time. 
So if Men's Health says that guys are usually the ones to push things down and not get over it, does that make me the exception?

Number two. What the hell am I doing over here? I am wracking my brain just thinking about one thing after another. Just like girls do. Questioning my every move from day one of the relationship to now. There isn’t even a relationship anymore, and there won’t be. It’s been six weeks since I ended things. I should be the one to be moving on. I shouldn’t be sitting here wondering if I made a mistake, during the relationship and after the relationship. I am one of those stupid girls who just won’t get over their ex. Oh my God. I’m the rule. I am the typical heart broken girl.
Reading through Men’s Health again, “One of the reasons why women can get over sour relationships faster than the guys they break up with is that women have an amazing network of people to latch on to.” And to that I say HA! I have no friends. My high school friends had better things to do, and I spend way too much time at work to make friends at school. Of course I have people I can talk to at work or in my dorm, but I have no super awesome friends to go to when something happens. That’s what my boyfriend was for, but now that he’s not here, my mom and sister are on speed dial for that. But again, does this make me the exception? Am I a guy, persay?
I find myself wallowing in self pity about seventy percent of the time now. Watching shows like Friends gives me the idea that only girls, and Chandler, are hurt after a breakup. Bringing me back to the whole rule, thing.
Am I a rule? I am hurt and heart broken over this whole thing. Or am I an exception? I am pushing everything down until I can’t handle it anymore, like a boy. It shouldn’t even matter, but it does. Six weeks later and I am still heartbroken, but I did this to myself. The rule - girls take longer to get over breakups. The exception - acting like a guy to get over everything. Is it possible to be both? There are just too much questions that not even a google search can answer for me. This whole thing will be long forgotten in a year or so, but that is one long year...

*******It is safe to say I am no longer agonizing over boys. Because that is dumb.*******

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Chelsea Kritzer

Chelsea Kritzer

Age: 19

1. How do you get your news?

2. Who is doing it right in news?
I don't know.

3. How do you take your coffee?

4.What's the best things that happened to you this week?
I made good tips at work.

5.What's the first news event that you remember?
Probably 9/11.

6. What do you absolutely hate about the news?
That is usually all bad stuff, the majority is negative.

7. What's the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework?
I don't listen to podcasts.

8. What is your favorite Television show?

9. Who is your favorite news personality 
Katie Couric.

10. Send me a gif or image that explains how you feel about today. Please be appropriate.

Michael Spencer

Michael Spencer
Age: 18

1. How do you get your news?

2. Who is doing it right in news?
Not Fox.

3. How do you take your coffee?
A lot of sweetner and sugar.

4.What's the best thing that happened to you this week?
I redid the bricks on my car.

5.What's the first news event that you remember?

6. What do you absolutely hate about the news?
The way journalists make everyone look bad.

7. What's the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework?
I don't listen to podcasts.

8. What is your favorite Television show?
Doctor who.

9. Who is your favorite news personality 
I don't have one.

10. Send me a gif or image that explains how you feel about today. Please be appropriate. 

Angalea Snyder

Angalea Snyder
Age: 25

1. How do you get your news?
Social media, if that. Because I very rarely watch the news, am on my phone, or read the paper.

2. Who is doing it right in news?
I don't know, they're all liars.

3. How do you take your coffee?
Lots of cream and sugar.

4.What's the best thing that happened to you this week?

5.What's the first news event that you remember?

6. What do you absolutely hate about the news?
The way that they manipulate everything.

7. What's the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework?
I don't listen to podcasts.

8. What is your favorite Television show?
The Walking Dead.

9. Who is your favorite news personality 
I don't watch the news.

10. Send me a gif or image that explains how you feel about today.

Shelby Spencer

Shelby Spencer

Age: 23

1. How do you get your news?
Social media and the newspaper at work.

2. Who is doing it right in news?
No one.

3. How do you take your coffee?
Usually only Starbucks.

4.What's the best thing that happened to you this week?
I was in the Eagle Grove newspaper.

5.What's the first news event that you remember?
The Columbine high school shooting.

6. What do you absolutely hate about the news?
It's all negative, or they focus mostly on the negative.

7. What's the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework?
I listen to Pandora, the top 40, country or hip hop.

8. What is your favorite Television show?
I don't watch TV.

9. Who is your favorite news personality 
Ron Burgandy

10. Send me a gif or image that explains how you feel about today.

Shawn Kiene

Shawn Kiene
Age: 45

1. How do you get your news?

6am TV news.

2. Who is doing it right in news?

3. How do you take your coffee?

4. What’s the best thing that happened to you this week?

5. What’s the first news event that you remember?
Landing on the moon.

6. What do you absolutely hate about the news?
The spin.

7. What’s the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework?
Don't listen to Podcasts.

8. Would you ever go on The Bachelor?

9. What is your job and what do you love most about it?
Chef, the creativity.

10. Would you ever climb Mount Everest?
I would love to.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Caitlin Hergenreter

**Photo from Caitlin**
Caitlin Hergenreter
Age: 24

1.How do you get your news?
I usually get my news from MSNBC news page since it's my home page, the local evening news, and various social media outlets. Social media may not always be the best for fact checking or unbiased opinions, but it's interesting to get other people's opinions.

2.Who is doing it right in news?
Pretty much all news sources are biased. That's how it's always been and how it will always be. However, I'm more likely to believe the local news rather than the big named stations. With a 24 hours news cycle they are constantly looking for any little thing they can air, sometimes before it's fully checked or relevant. It's a competition to break the story first and who can the get the most views. They've become more of an entertainment platform. 60 minutes is still great. I look forward to it every week.

3. How do you take your coffee?
As dark as my soul.

4. What's the best thing that happened to you this week?
I rediscovered my love for The Sims. It also happens to be the worst thing to happen to me this week.

5. What's the first news event that you remember?
The early coverage of the Jon Benet Ramsey case - 1997 era. I still follow the case today.

6. What do you absolutely hate about the news?
I hate when they have multiple people discussing something, but rather than talking about the topic everyone is trying to talk over each other. Just chill, people.

7. What's the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework?
Ear biscuits by Rhett and Link!

8.Would you ever go on the Bachelor?

9. What is your job and what do you love  most about it?
I do marketing for Fort Frenzy. I love being able to work in a creative enviroment that allows me to be involved with the community.

10. Would you ever climb Mount Everest?
No. I'm too afraid of hieghts.

Alli Berger

Alli Berger 
Age: 35

1. How do you get your news?


2. Who is doing it right in news?

3. How do you take your coffee?
Lots of cream and sugar.

4. What’s the best thing that happened to you this week?
It's Monday, nothing yet.

5. What’s the first news event that you remember?
Thunder snow.

6. What do you absolutely hate about the news?
The way they spin stories.

7. What’s the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework?
Don't do podcasts.

8. Would you ever go on The Bachelor?

9. What is your job and what do you love most about it?
Fun center sales director, I love people.

10. Would you ever climb Mount Everest?
Don't do heights.

Matthew Boardrow

**photo from Matt!!**
Matthew Boardrow

1. How do you get your news?
I get my news from Reddit, when that fails 

2. Who is doing it right in news?
Internet news sites do it right. For money, bigger sites like CNN or Fox News and Buzzfeed are absolute garbage. I prefer more objective and smaller news networks.

3. How do you take your coffee?
Cream and two sugars, thank you. 

4. What’s the best thing that happened to you this week?
I got a girls number. It's progress not perfection that matters. 

5. What’s the first news event that you remember?
Kurt Cobain aftermath. Not the actual breaking suicide but a report about how America was "coping."

6. What do you absolutely hate about the news?
I hate how major news networks do not remain objective. I would be more okay if they were able to put it into scope along with their opinion. 

7. What’s the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework?
Dr. Drew. even with adam he gives excellent life wisdoms. 

8. Would you ever go on The Bachelor/Bachelorette?

9. What is your job and what do you love most about it?
I work in insurance. I love that I come in contact with over 100 people per day.

10. Would you ever climb Mount Everest?

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Tanya Wright

**Photo from Tanya!!**
Yes, she is the tooth fairy
Tanya Wright
Age: 24

1. How do you get your news? Facebook or for one of my classes we have to look up a current event every other week.
2. Who is doing it right in news? Ummm...that's a good question, I don't know, the news is always kind of depressing.
3. How do you take your coffee? From Starbucks only, caramel latte or frappuccino.
4. What’s the best thing that happened to you this week? Well, its Sunday, so the week just started. I went to church and watched 50 Shades of Grey. (complete opposites)
5. What’s the first news event that you remember? The first thing that pops into my head is 9/11.
6. What do you absolutely hate about the news? How everything is so negative, they need to give more attention to the positive things in the world, and less attention about a random guy who committed a crime.
7. What’s the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework? I listen to just about everything, when doing homework my Pandora station is usually on a shuffle between country, christian, or the Sam Smith radio. (usually something with a softer tune) When cleaning I play all my Pandora stations so all of above plus today's hits, rap, and 80's.
8. Would you ever go on The Bachelor/Bachelorette? Yes! I have been joking with my family and friends for years that after I graduate that I am going to sign up for the show.
9. What is your favorite class in the dental hygiene program and why? I like the Clinic portion of dental hygiene because I am more of a hands on learner and that's what we're going to be doing when we get in the real world.
10. Would you ever climb Mount Everest?
Yes I would climb Mount Everest, if I had the proper attire and maybe a professional with me.

Shantel Winger

(P.S. I had braces...)
Shantel Winger
Age: Forever 29 :)

1. How do you get your news?

Good Day LA/ Buzzfeed/ CBC .

2. Who is doing it right in news?
John Stewart.

3. How do you take your coffee?
I drink tea.

4. What’s the best thing that happened to you this week?
Playing with Cedar at the park and hearing how happy she was going down the slide.

5. What’s the first news event that you remember?
The Challenger space shuttle exploding.

6. What do you absolutely hate about the news?
That it's glamorized.

7. What’s the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework?
What are podcasts?

8. Would you ever go on The Bachelor/Bachelorette?

9. What is your job and what do you love most about it?
Stay at home mom. When my daughter learns something new.

10. Would you ever climb Mount Everest?

Kyler Kirschbaum

Kyler Kirschbaum 
Age: 20

1. How do you get your news?

Usually social media.

2. Who is doing it right in news?
There are so many things out there that have fake new, so I basically either go by your news channels or newspapers that post news.

3. How do you take your coffee?
It depends, at home I usually put a lot of creamer in it, at Starbucks either a caramel frappuccino or a caramel latte.

4. What’s the best thing that happened to you this week?
I ran into a door, I mean sure. And I got flowers from my roommate.

5. What’s the first news event that you remember?
Probably like 9/11.

6. What do you absolutely hate about the news?
How negative it is, you don't hear anything positive most times.

7. What’s the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework?
When doing homework I like to listen to music without words, or silence, I'm weird.

8. Would you ever go on The Bachelor?
Maybe, I feel like it would be weird fighting for my husband. I would rather find my husband, not on the show. It would be a fun experience though.

9. What is your favorite class in the dental hygiene program?
Clinic, it's when you see patients and get hands on experience. It's what I'll be doing for the rest of my life, and you get a feeling of what your doing forever.

10. Would you ever climb Mount Everest?
Maybe, it would be a lot of work though.

Friday, February 13, 2015

McDonalds is recovering from the last fiscal year - The Collegian

Kiersten Kiene

From profit losses to new campaigns; McDonalds is recovering from the last fiscal year.

It’s not everyday when a big name corporation is having financial problems. Companies may have controversies, like Urban Outfitters selling blood-like Kent State sweatshirts, Disneyland being linked to multiple measles case, and even the 2015 Oscar nominations infamously being all white. But deep down in the news, McDonalds is suffering.

Towards the end of the 2014 year, McDonalds stocks and profits fell. According to Buzzfeed, “Revenue fell 7% in the last three months of the year, partially thanks to foreign currencies weakening against the dollar...The profit numbers were even worse — earnings per share fell 19% and profit dropped to $1.01 billion from $1.4 billion a year ago. McDonald’s blamed “weak operating performance” in the U.S. and a “supplier issue” overseas.” The percents may seem small, but when operating with millions and even billions of dollars, the money adds up quickly.

Worldwide, McDonalds isn’t doing so hot, specifically, Japan’s sales have declined over 20%, Buzzfeed reported. Even the CEO, Don Thompson, has stepped down from his position, leaving in March. So what does this mean for the local McDonalds? In the midwest? In Iowa? Even here in Fort Dodge?

Chelsea Adams,
general manager, Fort
Dodge McDonalds
Not to worry Fort Dodgers, McDonalds isn’t going anywhere. General manager, Chelsea Adams, of the Hwy 169 store says business is running as usual. ”In my store...I don’t see this happening. The previous years we’ve steadily maintained, I know that there are other restaurant opening [around town], but as far as our loyal customers, they keep coming back.” Adams said. “We haven't really lost a lot of sales, but with these new campaigns and everything going on and us being as genuine and as friendly as we can we won’t see anymore effects.”

Speaking of new campaigns, McDonalds has just recently implemented Pay With Lovin, an instant win game. “We’ll get a card, through corporate, each day that we open that will tell us what times to do it. Our biggest one that people like to do is dance and thats really fun. We’ll have our managers and crew members dance with them.” Adams explained. Each day through February 14, the cards will randomly select McDonalds customers. Adams continues, “I was actually thinking that people would reject the promotion, but really no one has. It’s really surprising and I am really happy for that. The winner will get a free value meal.

According to thepennyhoarder, “Each McDonald’s location will have 100 winners over the course of the promotion. Winners will be selected during three different segments of the day: 6 a.m. through 11 a.m., again between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., and finally 3 p.m. through 6 p.m.”

It’s safe to say that McDonald's is trying to recover, and quickly. Time will if the new love campaign will really catch on. The only downside is that it is only being held for a two week period. Plus customers will have to walk into the store as opposed to using the drive thru. But as of now, Fort Dodge McDonalds are safe to stay.

This was an article written for Iowa Central's Collegian
Check out my blog for my opinion of the subject!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Is McDonalds going down??

There have been several articles I've read about McDonalds not doing so great. So naturally, the CEO has stepped down. And what's next? They implement a new campaign, Pay with Lovin'.

Obviously, they are just trying to get more business. Come on. I am all for advertising to get more people into your store, and to keep numbers up, they have to keep business up.

Maybe McDonalds isn't suffering in the US, but they are overseas. If the overseas market shuts down for McDonalds, they will take a huge hit to their stocks and profits. Will this hurt the economy? will we lose jobs?

It's going to take a lot to pull McDonalds into the ground, and it's not going to happen anytime soon. But how long will they last? How long will all fast food chains last? Will they be here in 200 years? Will we be here in 200 years? A lot can happen in a short amount of time. Where will we be?

Chelsea Adams,
McDonalds GM, Fort
Dodge, Iowa.
Recently, I talked to a McDonalds general manger in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Chelsea Adams, was very perky about they way her store is running. Nothing has been hit hard so far, and no job losses. SO far so good, let's hope it stays this way.

Time will tell if this new Share the Lovin' campaign will help them, or hurt them. They need to recover, and quickly.

For more information on McDonalds, check out these links!


Social Media - What do you think? tweet out with a link that Taylor Swift made a break-up playlist for a recently dumped fan.

I find that social media is also a way to connect with others, like Taylor connecting to her fans. Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and stuff like that are all ways to connect with people.

Social networks give friends and family a way to connect with others. But at the same time, if you are on your phone anyways, why wouldn't you want to call that person anyways.

Can we just use our phones for what they were meant to be used for?

I stand on both sides. There is a good balance that needs to be used between social media a real life. I use social media for recreational and professional uses. So I understand the need for it, but using it nine times out of ten is way too much.

What do you think? Is social media used for good, bad, mad, or even all of them? I want to hear what you have to say.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

My Top 5 Friends Episodes (seasons 1-5)

There are just some things that I love too much. Disney, pizza, and Friends.

A few years ago my mom and I would sit and watch all four episodes that Nick aired at ten at night. That's how I got into it. So my mom being awesome like always, my Christmas present that year was all ten season of Friends on DVD. So naturally, I came back to school and sat and watched every episode, including the extras on the DVD. And so my obsession started...

So now that they are all on Netflix, I have started to watch all of them again! Of course now I have a full class load, work study and a job, so it's taking a little bit longer to get through the series. But I am going strongly at it! Already halfway through the series

After reading through some other articles and blogs, I have found that everybody's favorite episodes, are not my favorite. So without further adieu, here are my top 5 favorite Friends episodes of the first five seasons only!

5. The One with the East German Laundry Detergent
Now I have always liked this one. I'm not quite sure why but it has always stuck out to me. This is the episode where Ross and Rachael share their first kiss, and of course right after that Ross turns around and smacks his head into a dryer door. I consider this the true beginning of Ross and Rachael.  

4. The One Where No One's Ready
"Could I BE wearing anymore clothes!?!" This episode is filled with Ross and his anxiety to get to the museum on time to impress his boss. Not only that but all of the friends are having a hard time getting dressed. Joey and Chandler are fighting, Phoebe gets a big stain on her dress, Rachael can't decide what to wear, and Monica is stressed over leaving Richard a voicemail. Joey is the highlight, getting dressed he decides to wear all of Chandlers clothes. So funny, so relatable!

3. The One with All the Wedding Dresses
Ross is getting married, again. Monica, Rachael, and pregnant Phoebe not having getting married at all, use wedding dresses to get over their blues. Throwing bouquets and everything. The very thought of grown women hanging around in wedding dresses just sounds like so much fun. I wanna  join..

2. The One with Chandler in a Box
After Chandler has an affair with Joeys girlfriend, his punishment was to sit in a box for eight hours or so. According to Chandler,  "The meaning of the box is threefold. One, it gives me the time to think about what I did. Two, it proves how much I care about my friendship with Joey. And three... it hurts!" Meanwhile, Monica invited Richards son over for thanksgiving! Everything gets pretty sketchy.

1. The One with the Embryos
I actually just watched this one the other and could not stop thinking about it. This is the episode where Phoebe gets Frank and Alice's eggs implanted into her. Just he pure fact of creating babies for someone else is unbelievable. Phoebe is the only one selfless enough to do so. The warm and heart felt vibe of this episode is what gets be. Also, the girls play the guys on who knows each other better, and Joey and Chandler end up winning the girls apartment, gliding in on the ugly dog sculpture. The entire episode is filled with love and fun, giving in the top spot on my seasons 1-5 countdown.