Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Social Media - What do you think? tweet out with a link that Taylor Swift made a break-up playlist for a recently dumped fan.

I find that social media is also a way to connect with others, like Taylor connecting to her fans. Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and stuff like that are all ways to connect with people.

Social networks give friends and family a way to connect with others. But at the same time, if you are on your phone anyways, why wouldn't you want to call that person anyways.

Can we just use our phones for what they were meant to be used for?

I stand on both sides. There is a good balance that needs to be used between social media a real life. I use social media for recreational and professional uses. So I understand the need for it, but using it nine times out of ten is way too much.

What do you think? Is social media used for good, bad, mad, or even all of them? I want to hear what you have to say.

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