Friday, February 27, 2015

Accept the Change, a response

This is written in repsonse to "The Real Solutions for Journalism in 2015?" by Tim Akimoff

Accept the Changes

Personally and professionally, I use my
iPad to keep on on my social media.

Twitter - @KierstenKiene
1. “…social media is not just a journalist’s problem. It’s a journalist’s solution too.”I agree with this. The times are changing, as well as everything else that revolves around them. We as journalists should not discard social media because it is not ‘traditional,’ we should embrace the new technology around us and use it to our advantage. This is where all of the younger generations are right now, and their parents are there too. I feel as though social media should not hurt us a journalists, it should give us a step into the new technology based world, it will lead us to better things.
2. “Journalism needs to become more audience focused to reconnect with the public.” Yes, this is totally and completely true. With the use of the internet and social media, we are given a wider and broader audience, but at the same time we can use these tools given to us as a way to find smaller and more focused audiences of which we want. We are connect to hundreds and thousands of people just the moment that we log into our Facebook or Twitter account, we need to use this as a platform into the new world of journalism and use it to our advantage.
Whether or not we like it, social media will be here for many years to come, so we can either accept it and use it, or not accept it and be left behind. Journalists are in person, on T.V., on the radio, in newspapers, on the internet, on social media, blogging, comment, liking, and everything else. Become the one who can do it all, or most of it, or don’t. Every career makes changes over the years, not just journalism. The world changes over the years. Take the change and use it for good and greater things. Be the one who accepts the change. Make you better.

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